
Unified History & Bookmark Manager

on macOS, iOS and visionOS

Your unified browsing history with a powerful search.
Surfed is a powerful companion for browsing.

Organise your links and browsing history with Surfed, your personal search engine for your history and links.
With Surfed, finding visited websites has never been easier and faster.

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App Features

Surfed is the perfect companion for surfing the Internet. Surfed offers a lot of functions that are not only useful for power users. Below you can see an overview of the main functions of Surfed.


Browser History

Surfed keeps a detailed record of your browsing history, helping you easily revisit or find previously visited web pages. On macOS Surfed records all your browser history on Safari, Chromium browsers like Chrome, Edge, Arc, Brave, Opera and Firefox.


Bookmark Manager

Organize your favorite websites effectively with Surfed’s intuitive bookmark management tools.



Tag websites faster with latest used tags and an intuitive user interface.



More than 80 actions helps you to be productive with your links, history and articles.



Have an overview of your browsing activities.


Web Automation

Automate web tasks and processes with Surfed’s web automation capabilities.


Listen Later

Have articles from websites you visit read aloud to you and create your own newscast.


Read Later

Read articles from visited websites in a distraction-free mode, even offline.



Organise your links and history in different spaces.
Work, home, children, projects, private browsing... all organised separately.

Focus Filter

Focus Filter

Select an specific space automatically and focus on these items or toggle Web Trigger execution.


AI Actions

Summarise articles or tag websites with AI actions.



Set recurring or non-recurring reminders for Websites.



Add a personal widget to your home screen.


Private Search

Safely and securely search through your browsing history with Surfed’s private search engine.



Surfed will be delivered with a lot of powerful actions to handle your tasks in the background.

Tag Action

Tag Actions

Perform automatically actions when opening a link from a tag list.

Tag Action

Link Formatter




Filter History and Lists & Actions

Use multiple filters to find your link and perform actions on it. Multi select allows you to perform actions on multiple links.

Global Search

The global search allows you to quickly find and open links, tags, collections, favourites, lists and spaces. On Mac also from the menu bar.


Statistics view shows the sum of all activities for specific time periods. The day view is also available as a widget.

Share Sheet

Quickly assign tags or smart collections to a link. Favourite or flag a website or run actions on it.

History Details

Get details, when of visited a website, how often and how long.

Article View

Get details, when visited a website was visited, how often and how long.

Smart Collections

Smart collections are powerful. You can create your own dynamic website collections with multiple search filters to easily find and access your links and history.

Web Trigger

Run automated actions when browsing websites in Safari.


In the Gallery you will find many pre-configured Smart Collections and Web Triggers. Everything is set up with just one click.


Available for
iPhone & iPad & Mac & Vision Pro

  • Sync across all your devices (Surfed 2.0)
  • One purchase
  • Native app
  • Multiple windows (iPad & Mac & Vision Pro)
  • Keyboard shortcuts (iPad & Mac & Vision Pro)

What users saying…

«So good it should be a native feature
Surfed rules. It lets me retrace my steps through the web, because I can’t keep tabs open forever and I don’t always bookmark what I intend to […]»

«looking forward to the future of the app. I don't think its scratched the surface of what it'll end up being able to do […]»

Ever notice how some google searches disappear in Safaris history? This app fixes that issue. It tracks whatever you want to track and let’s you BLOCK the tracking of whatever you don’t want to track. Personally, I just use it to track my Google searches—because Safari makes them disappear! This app is so good, it feels like something Apple would do […]»

Any questions?
Check out the FAQs

Still have unanswered questions and need to get in touch?

Still have questions?

Contact me

Browsing history is private and personal. All data is stored only on your device and cannot be viewed by anyone else, including us.
Surfed does not collect analytics and diagnostic data.

Sure! Syncronise all your browsing history, Tags, Collections, Web Trigger and Settings across your devices with iCloud.

Yes! Most actions are available via keyboard shortcuts on the iPad. Long press the command key to get a list of available keyboard commands for the current selection. You can navigate between views with the Tap-Key.

Absolutely! Collections and Tags can be searched via the iOS spotlight search.

Long press on an selected item will show you a context menu with available actions. List items have trailing and leading swipe actions. On the iPad all actions are available via keyboard shortcuts.


Filter Shortcut
Key Fields (Title, URL, Meta Description) a:{term}
URL u:{term}
Title t:{term}
Meta Description m:{term}
Tag #{term}
Note n:{term}
Article c:{term}
Author p:{term}
Language l:{term}
HTML Source Web Trigger

Replace {term} with your search string.
Add a ! before the shortcut to negate the filter e.g. !u:{term}.


Filter Shortcut
Flagged :f
Favorited :s
Private Mode :f
Listened :l
Listening :lg
Read :r

Date and Time

Filter Shortcut
Today :t
Yesterday :ld
Current Week :w
Current Month :m
Current Day :d
Current Year :y
Current Weekday  
Current Hour  
Last Week :lw
Last Month :lm
Last Day :ld
Last Year :f
Hour Select from list
Day Select from list
Month Select from list
Year Select from list
Weekday Select from list
Last day of month Smart setup
Last number of days Smart setup
Session Time Smart setup
Morning :tm
Afternoon :ta
Evening :te
At Night :tn
Filter with marked as Smart setup are only available in Smart Collection and Web Trigger setup.


Filter Shortcut
Device Select from list
Space Select from list


Condition Availability
is Filter, Date, State, Location
is not Filter, Date, State, Location
contains Filter
contains not Filter
begins with Filter
ends with Filter
matches regular expression Filter
before Date
after Date
less than Date
more than Date


Type Background Action Notification Action
Run Shortcut
Open App Scheme / URL
Background Web Request
Copy to Clipboard
Show Notification
Perform JavaScript
Toggle Favourite State
Toggle Flagged State
Tag with latest Tag
Add Tag…
Tag website with…
Assign to Space
Open URL
App Badge
Listen Article
Add Tags with AI
Summarise Article with AI
Add Note
Show Article

Setup Functions

Custom Parameter
Custom Color
Search & Replace
Remove String
Regular Expression
URL Encode
URL Decode
Unshorten URL
Use setup functions as helper actions, and for storing and reusing values in variables.

Setup Parameters

Formatted URL
Formatted Article
Reading Time
Session Time
Total Session Time
Daily Session Time
Favourites as JavaScript-Array
Today as JavaScript-Array
Collection items as JavaScript-Array
Tag items as JavaScript-Array

Nearly everything can be reached via deep link:

Replace *uuid* with the UUID of the item or replace *name* with the item name.

Yes, Surfed is localised into English, German, French and Chinese (simplified).

If you find a typo or wrong translation or if you want to add a new localisation, follow this link or contact me.

A Tag Action will be performed automatically if a URL, tagged with this tag, is opened. As part of this action, you can remove the tag from this URL and add new tags to it. This could be very useful for a #Readlater tag. Add this tag to a URL if you want to read it later. Then, when it is opened, you can remove it or, for example, move the URL to a #Done tag.

Yes, Surfed can record all your browser history for Chromium (Arc, Brave, Chromium, Edge, Opera, …) and Firefox browsers on macOS. On iOS, it is not possible to provide browser extensions for browsers other than Safari.

Browser extension for Chrome: Install

Browser extension for Firefox: Install

Yes, you can search your history, collections and tags right from the terminal, without opening the macOS app. Navigate to Surfed.app/Contents/MacOS/surfed-cli.app/Contents/MacOS and run ./surfed-cli to get a help with all parameters.

Feature Comparison

Unlimited Browser History
Record Safari, Chromium, Firefox history on macOS
Unlimited Tags
with iOS 17 Safari Profiles support
Search Filters
Multiple Search Terms
Full-Text Search
Browser Dashboard
Article Reader View
Spotlight Search
Configurable List Actions
Hide Items
QR Code Link
Link Notes
Link Actions
Messages Extension
iCloud Sync
Password Protection
Listen Articles
Share Article as Audio
Unlimited Smart Collections
Unlimited Web Triggers
Shortcuts Automation
Focus Filter
Tag Action
AI Actions
OpenAI API-Key needed
Print Lists
PDF Export
CSV Export
Blacklist websites from history
Backup and Restore
Custom Colours and App Icon